Monday, January 9, 2012

Dear 2012,

This is my first entry for you pulletbroof, that is in the year 2012.

In hopes of nobody ever ever reading this, this is sort of having a conversation with my own self, very relieving too.

Third semester of college starts in a couple of hours! But just like every other year, biological clock has gone terribly wrong.

Dear pulletbroof, please complete your challenge! Please inject in your mindset that men living here, are considered geographically unavailable! Simply because your whole mind and soul is already living that dream life of yours!

And no I don't think talking to myself is silly. It is perfectly fine!

2012, my only resolution is for time to pass by really quickly! And this I do hope the world doesn't end this year! I have still got a life to live!!!


Good luck in college May, please pray for your own safety, not to get involved or even bothered by the slightest drama.